Salon Spa Furniture to Consider for Your Business

There’s a lot to consider when running your own spa. You need top-notch talent, someone who can manage the books, successful marketing and a load of patience. Of course, you also need proper salon spa furniture. Consider that the majority of the time your customers spend in your spa will be sitting or lying down. Here are some options you should consider.

A massage chair bed is an easy method to get customers’ attention. Often times they’ll see it while walking by and spend the money to experience a quick-and-easy massage. The better the massage chair bed, the happier they’ll be and more likely to give you future business.

Of course, for actual massages, you need a massage table that provides plenty of comfort to your customers. You also need to make sure it is always covered in fresh linens, which get cleaned regularly.

As your spa will most likely give facials, you’ll need the correct chair for that. Just like with the tables, be sure to pick one that is extremely comfortable. You don’t want anything to distract them from how wonderful your professional is doing.

You’ll want pedicure chairs too. If you buy the right kind of facial chair, you can often just use those. Speak to our pedicurists about potential facial chairs and whether they’d be able to work around them.


Article submitted by Comfort Soul. The company provides the salon and spa equipment your business needs, from spa furniture to fresh linens.